Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL 803 .W814 2004 The myths of Rome / 1
BL 805 .A546 Sage, saint, and sophist : holy men and their associates in the early Roman Empire / 1
BL 805 .A546 f 2000 Fairytale in the ancient world / 1
BL 805 .B879 Society and the holy in late antiquity / 1
BL 805 .E58 2017 Entangled worlds : religious confluences between East and West in the Roman Empire : the cults of Isis, Mithras, and Jupiter Dolichenus / 1
BL 805 .F537 The imperial cult in the Latin West : studies in the ruler cult of the western provinces of the Roman Empire / 1
BL 805 .F724 1877a Monotheism : in the main derived from the Hebrew nation and the law of Moses : the primitive religion of the city of Rome. A historical investigation / 1
BL 805 .F789 Roman ideas of deity in the last century before the Christian era : lectures delivered in Oxford for the common university fund / 1
BL 805 .L675 The official priests of Rome under the Julio-Claudians : a study of the nobility from 44 B.C. to 68 A.D. / 1
BL 805 .L764 2009 Roman gods : a conceptual approach / 1
BL 805 .O71 Temples, religion, and politics in the Roman Republic / 1
BL 805 .T8713 1996 The cults of the Roman Empire / 1
BL 805 .T932 Les cultes orientaux dans le monde romain / 1
BL 805 .W814 Remus : a Roman myth / 1
BL 810 .C357 The Catacombs and the Colosseum : the Roman Empire as the setting of primitive Christianity / 1
BL 810 .M732 On pagans, Jews, and Christians / 1
BL 810 .M999 Mythos in mythenloser Gesellschaft : das Paradigma Roms / 1
BL 810 .O69 Die Orientalischen Religionen im Romerreich : (OrRR) / 1
BL 813 .A3 .C125 2007 La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire / 1
BL 813 .B8 .H511 Religion in Roman Britain / 1